API Class |
Namespace: AppRobotic
public class API
The API type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ActivateAddressBar |
Activate the Address Bar.
| |
ActivateAppByProcessName |
Activate an Application By its Process Name.
| |
ActivateAppByWindowTitle |
Activate an Application By its Window Title.
| |
AddToSelection |
Adds the current UI Item to the collection of selected UI Items.
| |
ApplicationSetFocus |
Brings Application into focus.
| |
ButtonClick |
Clicks button inside current application.
| |
CancelListeningForSynchInput |
Causes the application to stop listening for mouse or keyboard input to the UI Item.
| |
CaptureScreenshot |
Captures bitmap image of the primary display screen and saves to specified file.
| |
CheckboxToggle |
Toggles Checkbox selection.
| |
ClearErrorLog |
Clears Error Viewer contents.
| |
ClearPrinter |
Clears Printer app contents.
| |
Click |
Clicks UI Item / AutomationElement.
| |
ClipboardAppendText |
Appends specified text to the end of existing text in the clipboard.
| |
ClipboardClear |
Removes all data from the clipboard.
| |
ClipboardGetText |
Retrieves Clipboard text to a string.
| |
ClipboardSetText |
Clears Clipboard and sets Clipboard contents to the specified text string.
| |
Close |
Close window.
| |
CloseActiveApp |
Close Active Application.
| |
CloseActiveDocument |
Close Active Document.
| |
CloseApplication |
Closes Application.
| |
CloseCurrentApplication |
Close currently attached application.
| |
Collapse |
Collapses collapsible UI Item.
| |
ComboBoxItemSelect |
Selects ComboBox Item after De-Selecting all currently selected Items.
| |
CreateGlobalVariable |
Creates new global variable with specified value.
| |
CSVRead |
Reads the .csv file at the specified row and column using the delimiter, if the .csv file is properly formatted.
| |
DeleteFile |
Deletes the specified file if it exists, otherwise nothing happens.
| |
DeleteGlobalVariable |
Deletes specified global variable.
| |
DoesProcessExist |
Checks if specified Process is running.
| |
DownloadAllEmailAttachments |
Saves all attachments from each email in the default folder (i.e. Inbox).
| |
DownloadNextEmailAttachments |
Saves all attachments from the next matching email in the default folder (i.e. Inbox).
| |
DragAndDrop |
Drags and drops from the specified origin X/Y coordinates to the specified destination X/Y coordinates on the screen.
| |
EmailDelete |
Deletes the specified email message by Email ID.
| |
EmailSendAndReceive |
Sends and receives all pending emails.
| |
ExcelColumnsCount |
Counts the columns in the specified Excel file.
| |
ExcelCreateFile |
Creates a new Excel file at the specified file path.
| |
ExcelDeleteColumns |
Delete entire specified columns in the Excel file.
| |
ExcelDeleteRows |
Delete entire specified rows in the Excel file, rows below shift up.
| |
ExcelInputFileClose |
Closes the currently loaded Excel input file properly.
| |
ExcelInputFileGoToNextRow |
Moves to the next row of the currently Loaded Excel input file, for reading and writing.
| |
ExcelInputFileLoad |
Loads the specified Excel input file for future reading and writing while bot runs.
| |
ExcelInputFileRead |
Gets the cell value of the specified column on the currently loaded row of the Excel input file.
| |
ExcelInputFileWriteComments |
Writes text to the Comments" column of the Excel input file, which is +2 offset (two to the right) from the last column of the loaded input file.
| |
ExcelInputFileWriteStatus |
Writes text to the "Status" column of the Excel input file, which is +1 offset (one to the right) from the last column of the loaded input file.
| |
ExcelRead |
Reads the specified cell in the Excel file.
| |
ExcelRowsCount |
Counts the rows in the specified Excel file.
| |
ExcelSaveAsCSV |
Saves specified Excel file contents in specified Sheet as a .csv file.
| |
ExcelWrite |
Writes to the specified cell in the Excel file.
| |
Exist |
Checks if UI Item exists for specified amount of seconds before timing out.
| |
Expand |
Expands an expandable UI Item.
| |
GetApplication |
Attaches to an Application AutomationElement using its Name or ID property. Can be used as base to find application's other UI Items.
| |
GetCurrentSelection |
Retrieves the selected UI Items in the container into an UI Item array.
| |
GetCurrentSupportedViews |
Retrieves a collection of UI Item control-specific view identifiers.
| |
GetCurrentVersion |
Gets the currently installed AppRobotic version.
| |
GetDesktop |
Gets the Desktop UI Item / AutomationElement. Can be used as base to find other UI Items.
| |
GetFileMD5Hash |
Check MD5 hash of specified file.
| |
GetItem |
Attaches to the current Application's UI Item / AutomationElement using the specified SearchType property value. Can be used as base to find other UI Items within this UI Item.
| |
GetItemChild |
Attaches to the current Application's child UI Item / AutomationElement using the specified SearchType property value. Can be used as base to find other UI Items within this UI Item.
| |
GetItemDescendent |
Searches descendent UI Items starting from the Desktop and attaches to the first found Application UI Item / AutomationElement using the specified SearchType property value. Can be used as base to find other UI Items within this UI Item.
| |
GetNextEmailID |
Accesses the next email message in the Outlook Inbox folder of the default account.
| |
GetTableColumnHeaderItems |
Retrieves the column headers associated with a table item or cell.
| |
GetTableColumnHeaders |
Retrieves a collection of UI Items representing all the column headers in a table
| |
GetTableRowHeaderItems |
Retrieves the row headers associated with a table item or cell.
| |
GetTableRowHeaders |
Retrieves a collection of UI Items representing all the row headers in a table
| |
GetText |
Gets text of UI Item.
| |
GetUIItemText |
Retrieves text from UI Item.
| |
GetValue |
Gets the value of UI Item / AutomationElement.
| |
GetViewName |
Retrieves the name of a UI Item control-specific view. [in] The identifier of the view.
| |
GoToClickablePoint |
Retrieves clickable point for the UI Item and moves the system cursor to that point.
| |
HyperlinkClick |
Clicks Hyperlink.
| |
ImageClick |
Click the specified image on the screen in the specified order found.
| |
ImageClickOffset |
Click the offset X/Y coordinate from the specified matching image found on the screen in the specified order.
| |
ImageDoubleClick |
Double-click the specified image on the screen in the specified order found.
| |
ImageDoubleClickOffset |
Double-click the offset X/Y coordinate from the specified matching image found on the screen in the specified order.
| |
ImageDragAndDrop |
Drags and drops the specified image, if found on the screen, to the specified destination X/Y coordinates on the screen.
| |
ImageDragAndDropOffset |
Drags and drops the specified image, if found on the screen, to the specified offset X/Y coordinates from the image center.
| |
ImageRightClick |
Right-click the specified image on the screen in the specified order found.
| |
ImageRightClickOffset |
Right-click the offset X/Y coordinate from the specified matching image found on the screen in the specified order.
| |
InsertAddonDesignerLine |
Inserts New Designer Line to Addon Table.
| |
IsAppLicensed |
Checks whether application is properly licensed.
| |
IsChecked |
Checks if Checkbox is checked.
| |
IsImageOnScreen |
Searches for the specified image on the screen.
| |
ItemSetFocus |
Brings UI Item into focus.
| |
LabelGetText |
Retrieves text from Label UI Item.
| |
ListBoxItemDeselect |
Deselects ListBox Item.
| |
ListBoxItemMultiSelect |
Selects multiple ListBox Items. Adds provided ListItem to currently selected ListItems.
| |
ListBoxItemSelect |
Selects ListBox Item after De-Selecting all currently selected Items. Use ListBoxItemMultiSelect to select multiple Items.
| |
Maximize |
Maximize window.
| |
MenuItemClick |
Selects Menu Item.
| |
MessageBox |
Display a Message Box with specified text.
| |
Minimize |
Minimize window.
| |
MinimizeAll |
Minimize all windows other than Designer.
| |
MouseLeftClick |
Clicks left mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseLeftDoubleClick |
Double-Clicks left mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseLeftDown |
Press down left mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseLeftTripleClick |
Triple-Clicks left mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseLeftUp |
Release left mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseMiddleClick |
Clicks middle mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseMiddleDoubleClick |
Double-Clicks middle mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseMiddleDown |
Press down middle mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseMiddleTripleClick |
Triple-Clicks middle mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseMiddleUp |
Release middle mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseMoveToImage |
Moves mouse cursor to the center of the specified image, if found on the screen.
| |
MouseMoveToImageOffset |
Moves mouse cursor to the X/Y point offset from the center of the specified image, if found on the screen.
| |
MouseRightClick |
Clicks right mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseRightDoubleClick |
Double-Clicks right mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseRightDown |
Press down right mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseRightTripleClick |
Triple-Clicks right mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
MouseRightUp |
Release right mouse button at cursor's current location.
| |
Move |
Move window to specified absolute X and Y coordinates on the screen.
| |
MoveCursor |
Moves cursor to specified X/Y coordinates.
| |
NavigateBack |
Navigate Back in Active Browser.
| |
NavigateForward |
Navigate Forward in Active Browser.
| |
OCRGetText |
Gets text from specified image using Optical Character Recognition.
| |
Prints the specified image to a searchable PDF file using Optical Character Recognition.
| |
OpenFile |
Open the file located at the specified filepath using its default program.
| |
OpenShortcuts |
Open Shortcuts menu.
| |
OpenStartMenu |
Open Start Menu.
| |
OpenURL |
Launch the default web browser and open specified URL.
| |
OpenURLChrome |
Launch the Chrome web browser and open specified URL.
| |
OpenURLChromePrivate |
Launch the Chrome web browser in Private mode and open specified URL.
| |
OpenURLEdge |
Launch the Edge web browser and open specified URL.
| |
OpenURLFirefox |
Launch the Firefox web browser and open specified URL.
| |
OpenURLFirefoxPrivate |
Launch the Firefox web browser in Private mode and open specified URL.
| |
OpenURLIExplorer |
Launch the Internet Explorer web browser and open specified URL.
| |
OpenURLIExplorerPrivate |
Launch the Internet Explorer web browser in Private mode and open specified URL.
| |
PlayMacro |
Plays recorded macro.
| |
PressAdd |
Press the ADD key.
| |
PressAltD |
Press Alt+d.
| |
PressAltF4 |
Press Alt+F4.
| |
PressAltLeftArrow |
Press Alt+Left Arrow.
| |
PressAltRightArrow |
Press Alt+Right Arrow.
| |
PressAltTab |
Press Alt+Tab.
| |
PressBackspace |
Press the BACKSPACE key.
| |
PressBreak |
Press the BREAK key.
| |
PressCapsLock |
Press the CAPSLOCK key.
| |
PressCtrlA |
Press Ctrl+a.
| |
PressCtrlC |
Press Ctrl+c.
| |
PressCtrlEsc |
Press Ctrl+Esc.
| |
PressCtrlF |
Press Ctrl+f.
| |
PressCtrlF4 |
Press Ctrl+F4.
| |
PressCtrlN |
Press Ctrl+n.
| |
PressCtrlO |
Press Ctrl+o.
| |
PressCtrlS |
Press Ctrl+s.
| |
PressCtrlV |
Press Ctrl+v.
| |
PressCtrlX |
Press Ctrl+x.
| |
PressDelete |
Press the DELETE key.
| |
PressDivide |
Press the DIVIDE key.
| |
PressDownArrow |
Press the DOWN ARROW key.
| |
PressEnd |
Press the END key.
| |
PressEnter |
Press the ENTER key.
| |
PressEquals |
Press the EQUALS key.
| |
PressEscape |
Press the ESCAPE key.
| |
PressF11 |
Press the F11 key.
| |
PressHome |
Press the HOME key.
| |
PressInsert |
Press the INSERT key.
| |
PressLeftArrow |
Press the LEFT ARROW key.
| |
PressMultiply |
Press the MULTIPLY key.
| |
PressNumLock |
Press the NUMLOCK key.
| |
PressPageDown |
Press the PAGE DOWN key.
| |
PressPageUp |
Press the PAGE UP key.
| |
PressPrtScn |
Press the PRINT SCREEN key.
| |
PressRightArrow |
Press the RIGHT ARROW key.
| |
PressShiftF10 |
Press Shift+F10.
| |
PressSpacebar |
Press the SPACEBAR key.
| |
PressSubtract |
Press the SUBTRACT key.
| |
PressTab |
Press the TAB key.
| |
PressUpArrow |
Press the UP ARROW key.
| |
Print any string output to the AppRobotic Printer app for review later without interrupting bot run with something intrusive like MsgBox() pop-up.
| ||
RadioButtonSelect |
Selects Radio Button.
| |
ReadAllEmailsToFile |
Reads and saves all emails to text (.txt) files. Saves the Sender Name, Sender Email, Email Subject, and Email Body text.
| |
ReadGlobalVariable |
Gets stored value of specified global variable.
| |
ReadNextEmailToFile |
Reads and saves the next email to a text (.txt) file. Saves the Sender Name, Sender Email, Email Subject, and Email Body text.
| |
RealizeVirtualizedItem |
Creates a full UI Item for a virtualized item.
| |
RemoveFromSelection |
Removes this UI Item from the collection of selected UI Items.
| |
Resize |
Resize window to specified width and height in pixels.
| |
Restore |
Restore window.
| |
Rotate |
Rotate window by specified amount of degrees. Positive degrees number rotates clockwise, negative rotates counterclockwise.
| |
RunAddon |
Runs specified Addon and calls the Addon's specified function with/without parameters.
Example: RunAddon("theAddonName", "functionName(param1, param2, ...)")
Example 2: RunAddon("theAddonName", "anotherFunctionNameWithoutParams()")
| |
RunApplication |
Launch the application located at the specified filepath. Or, specify app (i.e. win32calc.exe/notepad.exe/etc.)
| |
RunBot |
Run another bot (.vbs/.js/.jse/.py/.exe) from within currently running bot.
| |
RunPowershellCmdlet |
Runs specified Powershell cmdlet.
| |
RunPowershellCmdletWithOutput |
Runs specified Powershell cmdlet and returns its output.
| |
RunPowershellScript |
Runs specified Powershell script (.ps1) file.
| |
RunPowershellScriptWithOutput |
Runs specified Powershell script (.ps1) file and returns its output.
| |
RunSeleniumIDEScript |
Runs a recorded and exported Selenium IDE script (.py file) from within currently running bot.
| |
RunShellCommand |
Runs specified Command Prompt shell command.
| |
RunShellCommandWithOutput |
Runs specified Command Prompt shell command and returns its output.
| |
ScreenshotAboveImage |
Take a screenshot of the region immediately above the matching image on the screen, with identical width and height.
| |
ScreenshotBelowImage |
Take a screenshot of the region immediately below the matching image on the screen, with identical width and height.
| |
ScreenshotLeftOfImage |
Take a screenshot of the region immediately to the left of the matching image on the screen, with identical width and height.
| |
ScreenshotOffsetFromImage |
Take a screenshot of a region offset from the top left X/Y coordinate of the matching image on the screen.
| |
ScreenshotRightOfImage |
Take a screenshot of the region immediately to the right/next to the matching image on the screen, with identical width and height.
| |
ScreenshotScreenRegion |
Take and save a screenshot of the specified screen region by X, Y coordinates and Width/Height.
| |
Scroll |
Scrolls to the horizontal and vertical amounts.
| |
ScrollHorizontally |
Scrolls horizontally.
| |
ScrollIntoView |
Scrolls the content area of a container object to display the UI Item within the visible region (viewport) of the container.
| |
ScrollTextIntoView |
Scrolls UI Item's text into view.
| |
ScrollVertically |
Scrolls vertically.
| |
Select |
Selects the UI Item.
| |
SelectText |
Selects the text inside UI Item.
| |
SendEmail |
Sends an email using the default Outlook account.
| |
SendEmailWithAttachment |
Sends an email with an attachment file using the default Outlook account.
| |
SendKeys |
Sends SendKeys.SendWait matching specified KeyCode to currently focused UI Item.
See https://www.AppRobotic.com/SendKeys for list of KeyCodes.
| |
SendKeysSend |
Sends SendKeys matching specified KeyCode to currently focused UI Item.
See https://www.AppRobotic.com/SendKeys for list of KeyCodes.
| |
SetCurrentView |
Sets the view of the UI Item control. [in] The control-specific view identifier.
| |
SetDockPosition |
Docks the window to the specified location. Enum: DockPosition_Top, DockPosition_Left, DockPosition_Bottom, DockPosition_Right, DockPosition_Fill, DockPosition_None
| |
SetFocus |
Brings UI Item into focus.
| |
SetRangeValue |
Sets the value of the Range UI Item control.
| |
SetScrollPercent |
Sets the horizontal and vertical scroll positions as a percentage of the total content area within the UI Item.
| |
SetValue |
Sets string value of UI Item / AutomationElement.
| |
ShowDesktop |
Show Desktop by minimizing all applications.
| |
StartListeningForSynchInput |
Causes the application to start listening for mouse or keyboard input to the UI Item.
inputType: [in] A combination of values from the SynchronizedInputType enumerated type specifying the type of input for which to listen.
inputType ENUM: {
| |
SwitchApps |
Switch to another open Application.
| |
SwitchNextTab |
Switch to the Next Tab.
| |
SwitchPreviousTab |
Switch to the Previous Tab.
| |
TerminateExcel |
Terminates all running Excel processes.
| |
TerminateProcess |
Terminates a running process.
| |
TextBoxGetText |
Retrieves text from TextBox UI Item.
| |
TextBoxSetText |
Sets provided text into the TextBox UI Item.
| |
Toggle |
Cycles through the toggle states of UI Item.
| |
TreeItemSelect |
Selects Tree Item.
| |
Type |
Sends keystrokes to currently focused UI Item.
| |
UnselectText |
Unselects the text inside UI Item.
| |
UpdateGlobalVariable |
Updates global variable with specified value.
| |
Wait |
Bot run waits for specified number of milliseconds.
| |
WaitForInputIdle |
Waits until the associated process enters an idle state, or the specified timeout milliseconds time is reached.