Click or drag to resize

API Methods

The API type exposes the following members.

Public methodActivateAddressBar
Activate the Address Bar.
Public methodActivateAppByProcessName
Activate an Application By its Process Name.
Public methodActivateAppByWindowTitle
Activate an Application By its Window Title.
Public methodAddToSelection
Adds the current UI Item to the collection of selected UI Items.
Public methodApplicationSetFocus
Brings Application into focus.
Public methodButtonClick
Clicks button inside current application.
Public methodCancelListeningForSynchInput
Causes the application to stop listening for mouse or keyboard input to the UI Item.
Public methodCaptureScreenshot
Captures bitmap image of the primary display screen and saves to specified file.
Public methodCheckboxToggle
Toggles Checkbox selection.
Public methodClearErrorLog
Clears Error Viewer contents.
Public methodClearPrinter
Clears Printer app contents.
Public methodClick
Clicks UI Item / AutomationElement.
Public methodClipboardAppendText
Appends specified text to the end of existing text in the clipboard.
Public methodClipboardClear
Removes all data from the clipboard.
Public methodClipboardGetText
Retrieves Clipboard text to a string.
Public methodClipboardSetText
Clears Clipboard and sets Clipboard contents to the specified text string.
Public methodClose
Close window.
Public methodCloseActiveApp
Close Active Application.
Public methodCloseActiveDocument
Close Active Document.
Public methodCloseApplication
Closes Application.
Public methodCloseCurrentApplication
Close currently attached application.
Public methodCollapse
Collapses collapsible UI Item.
Public methodComboBoxItemSelect
Selects ComboBox Item after De-Selecting all currently selected Items.
Public methodCreateGlobalVariable
Creates new global variable with specified value.
Public methodCSVRead
Reads the .csv file at the specified row and column using the delimiter, if the .csv file is properly formatted.
Public methodDeleteFile
Deletes the specified file if it exists, otherwise nothing happens.
Public methodDeleteGlobalVariable
Deletes specified global variable.
Public methodDoesProcessExist
Checks if specified Process is running.
Public methodDownloadAllEmailAttachments
Saves all attachments from each email in the default folder (i.e. Inbox).
Public methodDownloadNextEmailAttachments
Saves all attachments from the next matching email in the default folder (i.e. Inbox).
Public methodDragAndDrop
Drags and drops from the specified origin X/Y coordinates to the specified destination X/Y coordinates on the screen.
Public methodEmailDelete
Deletes the specified email message by Email ID.
Public methodEmailSendAndReceive
Sends and receives all pending emails.
Public methodExcelColumnsCount
Counts the columns in the specified Excel file.
Public methodExcelCreateFile
Creates a new Excel file at the specified file path.
Public methodExcelDeleteColumns
Delete entire specified columns in the Excel file.
Public methodExcelDeleteRows
Delete entire specified rows in the Excel file, rows below shift up.
Public methodExcelInputFileClose
Closes the currently loaded Excel input file properly.
Public methodExcelInputFileGoToNextRow
Moves to the next row of the currently Loaded Excel input file, for reading and writing.
Public methodExcelInputFileLoad
Loads the specified Excel input file for future reading and writing while bot runs.
Public methodExcelInputFileRead
Gets the cell value of the specified column on the currently loaded row of the Excel input file.
Public methodExcelInputFileWriteComments
Writes text to the Comments" column of the Excel input file, which is +2 offset (two to the right) from the last column of the loaded input file.
Public methodExcelInputFileWriteStatus
Writes text to the "Status" column of the Excel input file, which is +1 offset (one to the right) from the last column of the loaded input file.
Public methodExcelRead
Reads the specified cell in the Excel file.
Public methodExcelRowsCount
Counts the rows in the specified Excel file.
Public methodExcelSaveAsCSV
Saves specified Excel file contents in specified Sheet as a .csv file.
Public methodExcelWrite
Writes to the specified cell in the Excel file.
Public methodExist
Checks if UI Item exists for specified amount of seconds before timing out.
Public methodExpand
Expands an expandable UI Item.
Public methodGetApplication
Attaches to an Application AutomationElement using its Name or ID property. Can be used as base to find application's other UI Items.
Public methodGetCurrentSelection
Retrieves the selected UI Items in the container into an UI Item array.
Public methodGetCurrentSupportedViews
Retrieves a collection of UI Item control-specific view identifiers.
Public methodGetCurrentVersion
Gets the currently installed AppRobotic version.
Public methodGetDesktop
Gets the Desktop UI Item / AutomationElement. Can be used as base to find other UI Items.
Public methodGetFileMD5Hash
Check MD5 hash of specified file.
Public methodGetItem
Attaches to the current Application's UI Item / AutomationElement using the specified SearchType property value. Can be used as base to find other UI Items within this UI Item.
Public methodGetItemChild
Attaches to the current Application's child UI Item / AutomationElement using the specified SearchType property value. Can be used as base to find other UI Items within this UI Item.
Public methodGetItemDescendent
Searches descendent UI Items starting from the Desktop and attaches to the first found Application UI Item / AutomationElement using the specified SearchType property value. Can be used as base to find other UI Items within this UI Item.
Public methodGetNextEmailID
Accesses the next email message in the Outlook Inbox folder of the default account.
Public methodGetTableColumnHeaderItems
Retrieves the column headers associated with a table item or cell.
Public methodGetTableColumnHeaders
Retrieves a collection of UI Items representing all the column headers in a table
Public methodGetTableRowHeaderItems
Retrieves the row headers associated with a table item or cell.
Public methodGetTableRowHeaders
Retrieves a collection of UI Items representing all the row headers in a table
Public methodGetText
Gets text of UI Item.
Public methodGetUIItemText
Retrieves text from UI Item.
Public methodGetValue
Gets the value of UI Item / AutomationElement.
Public methodGetViewName
Retrieves the name of a UI Item control-specific view. [in] The identifier of the view.
Public methodGoToClickablePoint
Retrieves clickable point for the UI Item and moves the system cursor to that point.
Public methodHyperlinkClick
Clicks Hyperlink.
Public methodImageClick
Click the specified image on the screen in the specified order found.
Public methodImageClickOffset
Click the offset X/Y coordinate from the specified matching image found on the screen in the specified order.
Public methodImageDoubleClick
Double-click the specified image on the screen in the specified order found.
Public methodImageDoubleClickOffset
Double-click the offset X/Y coordinate from the specified matching image found on the screen in the specified order.
Public methodImageDragAndDrop
Drags and drops the specified image, if found on the screen, to the specified destination X/Y coordinates on the screen.
Public methodImageDragAndDropOffset
Drags and drops the specified image, if found on the screen, to the specified offset X/Y coordinates from the image center.
Public methodImageRightClick
Right-click the specified image on the screen in the specified order found.
Public methodImageRightClickOffset
Right-click the offset X/Y coordinate from the specified matching image found on the screen in the specified order.
Public methodInsertAddonDesignerLine
Inserts New Designer Line to Addon Table.
Public methodIsAppLicensed
Checks whether application is properly licensed.
Public methodIsChecked
Checks if Checkbox is checked.
Public methodIsImageOnScreen
Searches for the specified image on the screen.
Public methodItemSetFocus
Brings UI Item into focus.
Public methodLabelGetText
Retrieves text from Label UI Item.
Public methodListBoxItemDeselect
Deselects ListBox Item.
Public methodListBoxItemMultiSelect
Selects multiple ListBox Items. Adds provided ListItem to currently selected ListItems.
Public methodListBoxItemSelect
Selects ListBox Item after De-Selecting all currently selected Items. Use ListBoxItemMultiSelect to select multiple Items.
Public methodMaximize
Maximize window.
Public methodMenuItemClick
Selects Menu Item.
Public methodMessageBox
Display a Message Box with specified text.
Public methodMinimize
Minimize window.
Public methodMinimizeAll
Minimize all windows other than Designer.
Public methodMouseLeftClick
Clicks left mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseLeftDoubleClick
Double-Clicks left mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseLeftDown
Press down left mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseLeftTripleClick
Triple-Clicks left mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseLeftUp
Release left mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseMiddleClick
Clicks middle mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseMiddleDoubleClick
Double-Clicks middle mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseMiddleDown
Press down middle mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseMiddleTripleClick
Triple-Clicks middle mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseMiddleUp
Release middle mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseMoveToImage
Moves mouse cursor to the center of the specified image, if found on the screen.
Public methodMouseMoveToImageOffset
Moves mouse cursor to the X/Y point offset from the center of the specified image, if found on the screen.
Public methodMouseRightClick
Clicks right mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseRightDoubleClick
Double-Clicks right mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseRightDown
Press down right mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseRightTripleClick
Triple-Clicks right mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMouseRightUp
Release right mouse button at cursor's current location.
Public methodMove
Move window to specified absolute X and Y coordinates on the screen.
Public methodMoveCursor
Moves cursor to specified X/Y coordinates.
Public methodNavigateBack
Navigate Back in Active Browser.
Public methodNavigateForward
Navigate Forward in Active Browser.
Public methodOCRGetText
Gets text from specified image using Optical Character Recognition.
Public methodOCRImageToPDF
Prints the specified image to a searchable PDF file using Optical Character Recognition.
Public methodOpenFile
Open the file located at the specified filepath using its default program.
Public methodOpenShortcuts
Open Shortcuts menu.
Public methodOpenStartMenu
Open Start Menu.
Public methodOpenURL
Launch the default web browser and open specified URL.
Public methodOpenURLChrome
Launch the Chrome web browser and open specified URL.
Public methodOpenURLChromePrivate
Launch the Chrome web browser in Private mode and open specified URL.
Public methodOpenURLEdge
Launch the Edge web browser and open specified URL.
Public methodOpenURLFirefox
Launch the Firefox web browser and open specified URL.
Public methodOpenURLFirefoxPrivate
Launch the Firefox web browser in Private mode and open specified URL.
Public methodOpenURLIExplorer
Launch the Internet Explorer web browser and open specified URL.
Public methodOpenURLIExplorerPrivate
Launch the Internet Explorer web browser in Private mode and open specified URL.
Public methodPlayMacro
Plays recorded macro.
Public methodPressAdd
Press the ADD key.
Public methodPressAltD
Press Alt+d.
Public methodPressAltF4
Press Alt+F4.
Public methodPressAltLeftArrow
Press Alt+Left Arrow.
Public methodPressAltRightArrow
Press Alt+Right Arrow.
Public methodPressAltTab
Press Alt+Tab.
Public methodPressBackspace
Press the BACKSPACE key.
Public methodPressBreak
Press the BREAK key.
Public methodPressCapsLock
Press the CAPSLOCK key.
Public methodPressCtrlA
Press Ctrl+a.
Public methodPressCtrlC
Press Ctrl+c.
Public methodPressCtrlEsc
Press Ctrl+Esc.
Public methodPressCtrlF
Press Ctrl+f.
Public methodPressCtrlF4
Press Ctrl+F4.
Public methodPressCtrlN
Press Ctrl+n.
Public methodPressCtrlO
Press Ctrl+o.
Public methodPressCtrlS
Press Ctrl+s.
Public methodPressCtrlV
Press Ctrl+v.
Public methodPressCtrlX
Press Ctrl+x.
Public methodPressDelete
Press the DELETE key.
Public methodPressDivide
Press the DIVIDE key.
Public methodPressDownArrow
Press the DOWN ARROW key.
Public methodPressEnd
Press the END key.
Public methodPressEnter
Press the ENTER key.
Public methodPressEquals
Press the EQUALS key.
Public methodPressEscape
Press the ESCAPE key.
Public methodPressF11
Press the F11 key.
Public methodPressHome
Press the HOME key.
Public methodPressInsert
Press the INSERT key.
Public methodPressLeftArrow
Press the LEFT ARROW key.
Public methodPressMultiply
Press the MULTIPLY key.
Public methodPressNumLock
Press the NUMLOCK key.
Public methodPressPageDown
Press the PAGE DOWN key.
Public methodPressPageUp
Press the PAGE UP key.
Public methodPressPrtScn
Press the PRINT SCREEN key.
Public methodPressRightArrow
Press the RIGHT ARROW key.
Public methodPressShiftF10
Press Shift+F10.
Public methodPressSpacebar
Press the SPACEBAR key.
Public methodPressSubtract
Press the SUBTRACT key.
Public methodPressTab
Press the TAB key.
Public methodPressUpArrow
Press the UP ARROW key.
Public methodPrint
Print any string output to the AppRobotic Printer app for review later without interrupting bot run with something intrusive like MsgBox() pop-up.
Public methodRadioButtonSelect
Selects Radio Button.
Public methodReadAllEmailsToFile
Reads and saves all emails to text (.txt) files. Saves the Sender Name, Sender Email, Email Subject, and Email Body text.
Public methodReadGlobalVariable
Gets stored value of specified global variable.
Public methodReadNextEmailToFile
Reads and saves the next email to a text (.txt) file. Saves the Sender Name, Sender Email, Email Subject, and Email Body text.
Public methodRealizeVirtualizedItem
Creates a full UI Item for a virtualized item.
Public methodRemoveFromSelection
Removes this UI Item from the collection of selected UI Items.
Public methodResize
Resize window to specified width and height in pixels.
Public methodRestore
Restore window.
Public methodRotate
Rotate window by specified amount of degrees. Positive degrees number rotates clockwise, negative rotates counterclockwise.
Public methodRunAddon
Runs specified Addon and calls the Addon's specified function with/without parameters. Example: RunAddon("theAddonName", "functionName(param1, param2, ...)") Example 2: RunAddon("theAddonName", "anotherFunctionNameWithoutParams()")
Public methodRunApplication
Launch the application located at the specified filepath. Or, specify app (i.e. win32calc.exe/notepad.exe/etc.)
Public methodRunBot
Run another bot (.vbs/.js/.jse/.py/.exe) from within currently running bot.
Public methodRunPowershellCmdlet
Runs specified Powershell cmdlet.
Public methodRunPowershellCmdletWithOutput
Runs specified Powershell cmdlet and returns its output.
Public methodRunPowershellScript
Runs specified Powershell script (.ps1) file.
Public methodRunPowershellScriptWithOutput
Runs specified Powershell script (.ps1) file and returns its output.
Public methodRunSeleniumIDEScript
Runs a recorded and exported Selenium IDE script (.py file) from within currently running bot.
Public methodRunShellCommand
Runs specified Command Prompt shell command.
Public methodRunShellCommandWithOutput
Runs specified Command Prompt shell command and returns its output.
Public methodScreenshotAboveImage
Take a screenshot of the region immediately above the matching image on the screen, with identical width and height.
Public methodScreenshotBelowImage
Take a screenshot of the region immediately below the matching image on the screen, with identical width and height.
Public methodScreenshotLeftOfImage
Take a screenshot of the region immediately to the left of the matching image on the screen, with identical width and height.
Public methodScreenshotOffsetFromImage
Take a screenshot of a region offset from the top left X/Y coordinate of the matching image on the screen.
Public methodScreenshotRightOfImage
Take a screenshot of the region immediately to the right/next to the matching image on the screen, with identical width and height.
Public methodScreenshotScreenRegion
Take and save a screenshot of the specified screen region by X, Y coordinates and Width/Height.
Public methodScroll
Scrolls to the horizontal and vertical amounts.
Public methodScrollHorizontally
Scrolls horizontally.
Public methodScrollIntoView
Scrolls the content area of a container object to display the UI Item within the visible region (viewport) of the container.
Public methodScrollTextIntoView
Scrolls UI Item's text into view.
Public methodScrollVertically
Scrolls vertically.
Public methodSelect
Selects the UI Item.
Public methodSelectText
Selects the text inside UI Item.
Public methodSendEmail
Sends an email using the default Outlook account.
Public methodSendEmailWithAttachment
Sends an email with an attachment file using the default Outlook account.
Public methodSendKeys
Sends SendKeys.SendWait matching specified KeyCode to currently focused UI Item. See for list of KeyCodes.
Public methodSendKeysSend
Sends SendKeys matching specified KeyCode to currently focused UI Item. See for list of KeyCodes.
Public methodSetCurrentView
Sets the view of the UI Item control. [in] The control-specific view identifier.
Public methodSetDockPosition
Docks the window to the specified location. Enum: DockPosition_Top, DockPosition_Left, DockPosition_Bottom, DockPosition_Right, DockPosition_Fill, DockPosition_None
Public methodSetFocus
Brings UI Item into focus.
Public methodSetRangeValue
Sets the value of the Range UI Item control.
Public methodSetScrollPercent
Sets the horizontal and vertical scroll positions as a percentage of the total content area within the UI Item.
Public methodSetValue
Sets string value of UI Item / AutomationElement.
Public methodShowDesktop
Show Desktop by minimizing all applications.
Public methodStartListeningForSynchInput
Causes the application to start listening for mouse or keyboard input to the UI Item. inputType: [in] A combination of values from the SynchronizedInputType enumerated type specifying the type of input for which to listen. inputType ENUM: { SynchronizedInputType_KeyUp, SynchronizedInputType_KeyDown, SynchronizedInputType_LeftMouseUp, SynchronizedInputType_LeftMouseDown, SynchronizedInputType_RightMouseUp, SynchronizedInputType_RightMouseDown }
Public methodSwitchApps
Switch to another open Application.
Public methodSwitchNextTab
Switch to the Next Tab.
Public methodSwitchPreviousTab
Switch to the Previous Tab.
Public methodTerminateExcel
Terminates all running Excel processes.
Public methodTerminateProcess
Terminates a running process.
Public methodTextBoxGetText
Retrieves text from TextBox UI Item.
Public methodTextBoxSetText
Sets provided text into the TextBox UI Item.
Public methodToggle
Cycles through the toggle states of UI Item.
Public methodTreeItemSelect
Selects Tree Item.
Public methodType
Sends keystrokes to currently focused UI Item.
Public methodUnselectText
Unselects the text inside UI Item.
Public methodUpdateGlobalVariable
Updates global variable with specified value.
Public methodWait
Bot run waits for specified number of milliseconds.
Public methodWaitForInputIdle
Waits until the associated process enters an idle state, or the specified timeout milliseconds time is reached.
See Also